Friday, May 29, 2009

Our roof is ready for the least it better be now.

Yesterday our roof got fixed, it was leaking every time it rained, so here are some pics of what it looks like. They replaced shingles, sealed up gaps, and now hopefully it is all good.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I just woke Up in the Middle of a Dream

My family has three generations of heroes, my Great Grandfather died in a fire, and my Grandpa died shortly after retiring from complications from breathing in junk from fighting fires his whole life. I grew up a son of a hero, a man who sacrificed his life for people he had never met before. As a little kid I always dreamed of being a firefighter, not to be a hero, but to be like my Dad.

It is a field that I ignored and put off in the back of my mind. I served my mission and shortly after my return was married to my sweetheart. I put my head down and studied accounting, why I will never know except it was something that I thought I would excel at. It has been three years since graduation and I am still not working in accounting. Exactly one year ago I thought about becoming a firefighter. My wife and I met with the recruiting Lieutenant in my area and I began working towards joining the volunteer department to get experience and then I would began school in the fall of 08.

As school began I absolutely loved it, enjoyed every second of it. For the volunteer department we were going through classes and every saturday we had hands on drills, where we were able to practice what we had learned in the classroom. The academy at school was going great, I was doing things that I thought were impossible for me. I felt like I was living a dream life, it felt like I finally had a purpose in this life.

Well during this last quarter I have wondered if I want to continue to pursue this dream. I had many discussions with my wife and my instructor at the academy about my future and if it was truly something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. This has been the hardest decision that I have had to ever make. In my hesart I want to carry on the legacy of my father and make my childhood dream a reality. But when it comes down to it I just don't want to live the lifestyle that a firefighter is tortured through. For me it is not worth missing my priesthood responsibilities on Sunday and living a third of my life for the next 30 years in a harsh and sometimes crude enviornment if I don't have to.

I am so glad that I have had the chance to experience firefighting and to gain even more respect for my family members before me and for those amazing people who run into a burning building while everyone else is running out. I will live out my fantasy world through being a volunteer firefighter. I am proud of my firefighting legacy but it looks like the chain will end in the fourth generation(sorry dad, grandpa, and great grandpa). But you never know when a new chain of heroes will began again.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

This and That

I suppose it is time for a quick update. Right before Christmas we purchased a nissan altima, thankfully Christopher and Jen have let us borrow a vehicle for over the last year, I don't know what we would have done without them, thank you. I continue to be busy with school and continuing to get in shape so that we can make the calendar that Jared keeps asking about, by the way your calendar was awesome. I did finish my haz-mat classes, so I have a few weeks off for my county classes at night, now all I have left is an apparatus class and then in the spring we train for wildland fires.

We have now had Maggy for one year, for her birthday she got a big bone, (well big for her) and it took her all night to eat it. I can no longer tell sometimes if Hannah is talking to me or the dog, I guess thats when you know the honeymoon is over.